North Carolina is home to a distinctive community of culinarians and artisans. For three weekends in 2018 (May 4-6, July 13-15, and September 14-16), chefs and artisans from all corners of the state (and one from beyond) will roadtrip to Pinehurst Resort for a celebration of North Carolina’s food and craft traditions. Each weekend, attendees will have the chance to enjoy meals prepared and inspired by the featured chef and participate in discussions and demonstrations with the visiting maker.

On May 4-6, chef Paul Verica of the Stanley (formerly Heritage) in Charlotte will be joined by seventh-generation salt harvester Nancy Bruns of J.Q. Dickinson Salt-Works in Malden, West Virginia. The weekend will include a cooking demonstration and three-course lunch by Verica, farm-to-fork dinner, and salt tasting with Bruns. For more information, including each weekend’s itinerary and pricing details, visit

  • location:

    Pinehurst, NC
  • date:

    May 04, 2018
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