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Favourite lock cookbook potato latkes
Cookbook Club

Potato Latkes

Level up your next occasion with the classic, crispy potato latke, a traditional Jewish dish that is is quick, easy, and tasty.

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Key Ingredient

Curried Sweet Potato Latkes

This latke recipe, complete with a date-apple butter, comes from Sara Bradley of Freight House in Paducah, Kentucky. She writes, “It’s very Eastern European to do potato latkes with sour cream and apple sauce. We like to do a play on that, so we serve the latkes [...]

Favourite mint julep trifles

Mint Julep Trifles

Whipped mousse and sweet almond crumble create a beautiful medley of crunchy-silky smoothness for a refreshing treat during a day in the sun.

Favourite lock cookbook Creole-Fried-Chicken-thumbnail.jpg
Cookbook Club

Creole Fried Chicken

In a small bowl, combine the salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. Place the chicken on a board and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken in a large bowl and sprinkle with half the seasoning mixture. Use your hands to rub the chicken with the [...]

Favourite Sheri_Tomato-thumbnail-scaled-1.jpg

Heirloom Tomato and Cornbread Panzanella

Panzanella is traditionally made with leftover Italian yeast bread, but it’s delightfully Southern to use cornbread instead. This is my favorite cornbread recipe: skillet-born, sugar-free, and bacon-blessed, made with freshly stone-ground cornmeal. If the tomatoes are not delicious, a panzanella will not be either, no matter what [...]

Favourite 2 chili bun hot dogs

Ronni Lundy’s Chili Bun

A quick and delicious sandwich from the Southern culinary legend. Dress 'em up however you like.

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Fried Dandelion Greens with Corn Cobb Pepper Jelly

Separate and wash dandelion greens, removing any bad spots on the leaves as you go. Combine corn meal, flour, salt, and pepper in a bowl.

Favourite Deviled Crab

Deviled Crab

Chef Frank Lee of SNOB in Charleston put together a flavorful dish centered on its presentation.

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Hard Crab Stew

Render the sidemeat in a large stockpot. Do this slowly, as it has a low smoking point and you want to extract as much fat as possible before it gets too brown. It will resemble crisp bacon in color when ready. Add the onions and sauté until [...]