Cookbook Club

Cookbook Review: Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs & Juice

By: Emily Havener
Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs & Juice cover

Dry January is coming to an end! As someone who didn’t participate, I still feel entitled to celebrate with a cocktail on February 1. And Toni Tipton-Martin’s Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs & Juice (Clarkson-Potter, 2023) has plenty of inspiration.

            Happily, Tipton-Martin’s introduction to this compilation of recipes inspired by Black mixologists begins on a snowy winter day with a cup of tea, setting the stage perfectly for this season. (In the South, we often have to be content with imagining snow rather than actually getting to enjoy it.) She quickly moves into the realm of the serious, however: the lack of documentation of the roles African Americans played in the 20th century’s developing art and science of mixology, the association of drinking and Black communities with dereliction.

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