- Whisk and Well. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk dry ingredients together in large bowl, then make well in center.
- From Dry to Dough. Pour eggs into well in dry ingredients. Pull flour mixture in from sides of bowl until
all is combined. - Do the Fig Fold. Add almonds and figs, folding in to combine. Let rest for 2 minutes.
- Log Your Time. Turn dough out onto lightly floured piece of parchment paper on sheet pan and form into
log. Bake until golden, about 30 minutes. - Slice and Repeat. Remove from oven and use serrated knife to slice into ½-inch slices. Place sliced biscotti back on sheet pan on their sides ¼-inch apart. Return to oven and bake for 15 minutes.
- Keep Your Cool. Place biscotti on wire rack and allow it to cool completely. Store in air-tight container.
The crunchy texture makes them a dunker’s dream—what better excuse to sit and savor with an espresso or hot chocolate? As for making biscotti, the process is fairly simple. The dough is formed into a log, baked, sliced into half-inch slices, then baked again.
- from The Local Palate Test Kitchen