For a savory twist on the summer treat, Coltivare’s semifreddo offers a creamy corn flavor that is perfect for a post-cookout dessert. To balance the delicious infused corn flavor, the semifreddo is topped with seasoned blackberry and basil oil to draw out notes of sweetness.
Serves 6-8
1 quart heavy cream
5 ears of grilled corn on the cob
5 cups sugar
10 whole eggs separated
1 teaspoon salt
The zest of ½ lemon
1 cup unsalted butter (cold)
1½ cups sugar
1⅘ cups flour
¼ cup yellow corn flour
¼ cup dehydrated corn (the saved grilled corn kernels)
1 teaspoon alt
4 cups of blackberries
Zest of ½ a lemon
1 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
6 cups fresh basil
2 cups extra virgin olive oil
For the Corn Mixture:
For the Base:
For the Corn Crumble
For the Macerated Blackberry
For the Basil Oil
Special Equipment: Silicone mat, Half sheet tray, Bread pan or Pyrex container, Cheese cloth, Blender
Make the Corn Mixture:
- In a pot, warm the heavy cream on the stove to a low-medium heat.
- Shuck the corn and set aside corn kernels for dehydrated corn.
- Steep the corn cob on a low-medium heat until simmering for 10 minutes.
- Remove from heat and cool down overnight to infuse the grilled cobs.
Dehydrated Grilled Corn:
- On a sheet tray with a silicone mat, spread shucked corn evenly on the tray.
- Dehydrate in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 8-10 hours.
Make the Base:
- In a pot, bring water to a boil. While water is heating, separate the egg yolks and save the egg whites in another bowl.
- In a bowl, whisk together egg yolks and 2½ cups of sugar. Place the mixture over top of your heated water bath. While over the water, whip until significantly thickened or until the “ribbon stage” is achieved, meaning when you remove the whisk the batter falls in thick ribbons. Remove, and cool to room temperature.
- Take the remaining egg whites and slowly whip them on medium-high speed and slowly pour in 2½ cups of sugar to get a meringue texture. Set side.
- Take the infused grilled corn mixture and whip until medium peaks form.
- In a large bowl, fold each mixture into the infused grilled corn until fully combined.
- Pour into a bread pan. Put plastic wrap over the top ensuring not to touch the mixture and let sit in the freezer overnight.
Make the Corn Crumble:
- Take all dry ingredients and place in a food processor and pulse until combined.
- Slowly add cold, unsalted butter until mixture crumbles.
- Bake at 325 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Make the Macerated Blackberries:
- Combine ingredients in a bowl and let it set at room temperature overnight until ready to serve
Make the Basil Oil:
- Blanch the basil in boil hot water for 30 seconds, then strain.
- Used a cheesecloth to strain the rest of the water containing the basil.
- In a blender, pour in the extra virgin olive oil along with the blanched basil.
- Blend until smooth with no visible chunks
- Strain with a coffee filter and reserve the oil for garnish.
- Assemble layers of corn crumble, macerated blackberries, and base into a bread pan and freeze until ready to serve. Drizzle basil oil prior to serving.
Recipe from
Thu Nguyen of Coltivare in Houston, Texas