Chris Gianaras Flip Cocktail
Photo courtesy of 4th & Swift

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1 cocktail

  • 1 whole egg, beaten
  • 1½ ounce Teeling Irish Whisky
  • ¾ ounce Cranberry-Sage Syrup (recipe follows)
  • ½ ounce Nux Alpina
  • ½ ounce Heavy Cream
  • 1 dash Aromatic Bitters
  • Fresh ground nutmeg
  • Cranberry-Sage Syrup
  • 1 quart fresh cranberry juice
  • ½ bunch of fresh sage leaves torn
  • 4 cups sugar

To Assemble the Farmhouse Velvet

  1. Shake all ingredients vigorously without ice, and then again with ice.
  2. Double strain into chilled snifter.
  3. Garnish with grated nutmeg.

Cranberry-Sage Syrup

  1. Heat juice in a saucepan with sage leaves and bring to a boil.
  2. Add sugar and reduce heat.
  3. Stir until sugar is dissolved, remove from heat, and allow to steep, covered in plastic wrap until cool.
  4. Strain out sage and store refrigerated in a glass jar or squeeze bottle.

Editor’s Note: Obviously, the Cranberry-Sage Syrup recipe makes much more syrup than what one cocktail calls for. Try it to soak pound cake or as a glaze for pork, or just have lots of friends over for a Farmhouse Velvet. 

  • from Chris Gianaras of 4th & Swift, Atlanta, GA

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