1 cocktail
1 whole egg, beaten
1½ ounce Teeling Irish Whisky
¾ ounce Cranberry-Sage Syrup (recipe follows)
½ ounce Nux Alpina
½ ounce Heavy Cream
1 dash Aromatic Bitters
Fresh ground nutmeg
1 quart fresh cranberry juice
½ bunch of fresh sage leaves torn
4 cups sugar
Cranberry-Sage Syrup
To Assemble the Farmhouse Velvet
- Shake all ingredients vigorously without ice, and then again with ice.
- Double strain into chilled snifter.
- Garnish with grated nutmeg.
Cranberry-Sage Syrup
- Heat juice in a saucepan with sage leaves and bring to a boil.
- Add sugar and reduce heat.
- Stir until sugar is dissolved, remove from heat, and allow to steep, covered in plastic wrap until cool.
- Strain out sage and store refrigerated in a glass jar or squeeze bottle.
Editor’s Note: Obviously, the Cranberry-Sage Syrup recipe makes much more syrup than what one cocktail calls for. Try it to soak pound cake or as a glaze for pork, or just have lots of friends over for a Farmhouse Velvet.
- from Chris Gianaras of 4th & Swift, Atlanta, GA