The art of preserving lemons is a waiting game, as the magic happens over time. In Shepherdstown, West Virginia, Chelsea Hott of Alma Bea makes her own by immersing whole lemons in a mixture of salt and lemon juice and allowing them to ferment for several weeks
Makes 1 quart
10 small organic lemons, scrubbed
1 cup kosher salt
Olive oil, as needed
- Cut lemons from top to bottom, but not all the way through, into four quarters still attached to the bottom rind.
- Pack salt into the cuts of the lemons and place into a clean jar. Cover and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours. After 24 hours, press the lemons down with a metal spoon or a gloved hand to release more juice. Cover and shake to help dissolve the salt. Repeat this step for three more days, until the lemons will have compressed to half their size.
- On day six, add enough olive oil to submerge the lemons and cover completely. Cure lemons in the refrigerator for one month. Before using, rinse lemons to remove excess salt.
Recipe by
Chelsea Hott, Alma Bea, Shepherdstown, West Virginia