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Favourite chickenstock1.jpg

Chicken Stock

Roughly chop onion, celery, and carrots. Sauté lightly in canola oil in a large stock pot until vegetables are tender. For lighter stocks (vegetable, fish) do not get any color on the mirepoix. If you want a darker stock (beef stock, chicken),

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Shrimp and Pork Belly Confit Towers

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Place onion, garlic, thyme and pork belly in a large Dutch oven. Cover with fat. Cover Dutch oven and place in the oven.

Favourite chicken fried rabbit

Chicken Fried Rabbit

In our September issue, we present a recipe for chicken fried steak; a traditional Texas dish with German roots that is now found throughout the South. For those of us who love chicken fried steak, it is a deep love. What else could fried meat covered in [...]

Favourite Enchiladas Finished

Chiles en Nogada

Chiles en Nogada was developed by nuns in Pueblo, Mexico, in the 1820s for a dinner celebrating the end of Spanish rule. To commemorate the occasion, the dish was developed using red, white and green ingredients, all of the colors included in the newly designed Mexican flag.

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Corrida Punch

Build all ingredients except for sparkling wine in punch bowl. Refrigerate for 24 hours before serving or chill with a block of ice in punch bowl. Add wine just before serving.

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Milk Punch

Make the syrup: Combine water, sugar, and nutmeg in saucepan. Simmer over low heat until sugar dissolves. Cool and strain solids.Combine syrup and remaining ingredients in punch bowl. Chill with a block of ice and serve in small punch cups.