The Gingerman Can, created by Kimberly Patton-Bragg of Palm & Pine in New Orleans, is the perfect holiday drink with just the right amount of sweet and spice to start your festive night. The sweetness from the honey and the strong herbal spices pair nicely with the bourbon for a sophisticated, holiday drink.
Serves 20
4 cups bourbon
2½ cups lemon juice
1¾ cups Spiced Honey Syrup
(recipe follows)
1¼ cups Montenegro
2½ cups orange pekoe tea
2½ cups ginger ale
Garnish: Clove-spiked lemon wheels,
cinnamon sticks or Mexican canela
* Makes about 1 cup
12 cloves
8 whole allspice
2 star anise pods
1 cinnamon stick or Mexican canela
½ cup hot water
½ cup honey
The Gingerman Can
Spiced Honey Syrup
- Make the Spiced Honey Syrup: Steep cloves, allspice, star anise, and stick of cinnamon or Mexican canela in hot water until fragrant. Using a fine-mesh strainer, strain liquid into a container and add honey. Stir until dissolved.
- Make the Gingerman Can: Combine all ingredients except garnish in a large punch bowl and stir. Add largeformat block of ice to chill punch. (Patton-Bragg uses a loaf pan or bowl to freeze water into a punch block.) Garnish with clove-spiked lemon wheels and cinnamon stick or Mexican canela.
Recipe By
Kimberly Patton-Bragg of Palm & Pine New Orleans, Louisiana -
Contributing City
New Orleans